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Showing posts from April, 2018

Tick Tock Clarice

So there's been a bit of a lapse on the blogging front. Well, quite an epic lapse on the blogging front. It's not been a fun few months from a personal perspective, and that's made it next to impossible to string a coherent sentence together. And before anybody (probably Jason Foothill) says anything, yes that is different to normal... I was originally planning to post an article on getting ready for your first event. What you need to bring, what to look for etc. But before you take that step, there is something you need to be ready for – playing on the clock. First and foremost, don’t rush into clock play. It’s something you should only look at once you’re confident enough with the rules to be considering going to events, and you complete your games in around two hours. But if you feel you’re ready, go for it! Should you come from the Warmahordes world, you’re probably used to clocks by now. To the rest of us though, the clock is a new thing to be regarded...